Monday, 26 November 2012

MY FIRST POST GUUUYYYYSSS! This one is for you Ms. I

Well on Friday we were told that we`re taking a walk into the magical land known as Fleetwood Park. We had a quest that we must fulfill, find lichen and fungi. As we found some interesting lichen and fungi we had to take pictures of it. There were fungi that I didn`t even know about! There are these fungi that are shaped as half a dome on top of a little stick. They call it mushrooms. Some of these mushrooms are pretty crazy I`ve heard. Take the liberty cap for example. The liberty cap has many toxins that make you hallucinate, now who said unicorns didn`t exist? As we did this quest we noticed that they were usually found in places with moisture. We got paired into groups. my partner was Isabella. These are some of the fungi/ lichen that we saw.